LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION! I've been following the live web feed of the current protests going on in NYC on wall street. The whole thing is very inspiring and uplifting! If you have no idea what I'm talking about then please visit this site www.occupywallst.org  and see it for yourself. The corporate greed and corruption has gone unchecked for far too long in this country and it is high time that they are exposed for the money mongers that they are! There are also more protests beginning to take form in other cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Dallas, Houston. I myself hope to be able to attend the protests in Austin on October 6th. The major news networks are not covering these protests in depth yet. Mostly due to the fact that they are all owned by many agencies that are funded by the major banks and/or corporations. Eventually they will catch on because this is something that affects EVERYONE! We the people are the majority 99% of this country and we WILL be heard!

 My third self-published poetry book/e-book will be titled An Almost Notion. I suppose I got the idea from many current events that are taking place right now which pertain to wall street, the stock market, the criminality of banks and overall lack of compassion from many government agencies. People still seem to have this notion of a just and fair government that always takes care of the average citizen. In all actuality that is not the case.

 The book/e-book itself is coming along swimmingly. I am doing my best to make sure it conveys a lot of raw emotion and passion. I'd like it to be even grander than my previous poetry book Momentous but I'm not going to push for it too much. Or should I? We shall wait and see. Oh and I am still plugging away at my novel The Thing In The Desert. I believe I am coming upon a critical point with each character. Something very pivotal will surely develop out of it. As soon as I have completed another couple of chapters I will post an e-book preview for all to enjoy.

Today's question: Which do you do more often? Watch television or read a good novel?